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Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). Nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids from time to time.

Haemorrhoids are usually caused by straining during bowel movements, obesity or pregnancy.

Discomfort is a common symptom, especially during bowel movements or when sitting. Other symptoms include itching and bleeding.

Who might get hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, tissues in the rectum become weaker, and hormones cause veins to relax and swell. Hemorrhoids may occur in up to 35%Trusted Source of pregnant women.

Aging: Hemorrhoids are most common among adults over age 50 yearsTrusted Source. However, young people and children can also get them.

Diarrhea: Hemorrhoids can occur after cases of chronic diarrhea.

Chronic constipation: Straining to move stool puts additional pressure on the walls of the blood vessels, which may result in hemorrhoids.

Sitting for too long: Spending a long time in a seated position, especially on the toilet, can cause hemorrhoids.

Diet: Eating low fiber foods may contribute to hemorrhoids.

Heavy lifting: Repeatedly lifting heavy objects can lead to hemorrhoids.

Anal intercourse: This can cause new hemorrhoids or worsen existing ones.

Weight: ResearchTrusted Source has linked being overweight to a higher chance of hemorrhoids. This may result from increased pressure within the abdomen.

Genetics: Some people inherit a tendency to develop hemorrhoids.


  • Internal hemorrhoids rarely cause pain (and typically can’t be felt) unless they prolapse.
  • If you have symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, you might see blood on toilet paper, in your stool or in the toilet bowl. These are signs of rectal bleeding.

    Signs of external hemorrhoids include:

  • Itchy anus.
  • Hard lumps near your anus that feel sore or tender.
  • Pain or ache in your anus, especially when you sit.
  • Rectal bleeding.
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